How to Prepare for ORE Exam?

Books to be used:

Basic science :

A. Anatomy: Anatomy for dental students ( you can use any anatomy book you have) + netter anatomy atlas ( if u don`t have the soft copy contact me I will be glad to send it)

B.Physiology ( Vander’s + blue book)

C.Microbiology and pathology ( blue book is enough)

D.Hypersensitivity ( Wikipedia) the reason I placed it in a separate item is bec its very important

E.Oral histology ( blue book plus wiki are enough) PLUS WIKI

F.Pharmacology Pink book, churchill, any undergraduate pharmacology book, I used (pharmacology for dental students), Scully ( local anesthesia, sedation, GA, plus the table with the most common side effects of different medication, Scotish guidelines 2008))

Clinical science :

o Pink book

o Churchill

o Master 1 and 2

o 3 Chapters in Odell:clinical problem in dentistry( brigde design, an unpleasent suprise , an adverse reaction)

o Clinical guide series from the british dental journal ( only if u have time).


BDA advice sheets ((((((They are very important))))))

1.Data protection(( Boring but important))

2.Ethics in dentistry((( very important))

3.Infection control (( V important))

4.radiation advice sheet ((v. important))

5.Dental recall

6.Health and safty(( V important))

7.Risk assessment (( V important))

Delivering a better oral health documents is a must

Statistics provided from Dr. Irfan are more than enough (found in facebook ore)



So here is how I planned my studies :

I prepared for a total of 4 months and a half I PREPARED FOR A TOTAL OF 4 MONTH AND A HALF .

I first started by covering all the basic science. (It took a month and a half to complete)

A: Anatomy:

  1. Cover the first 84 pages in blue book

(Have a look first at the feedback questions they will guide u on the important topics in anatomy u need to stree on)

EX:Oral anatomy section is extremely impotant :

  1. Soft palate
  2. Salivary gland
  3. Tounge
  4. Emberiology the first four pages
  5. Cranial nerve very important
  6. Page 83 the derivatives of different brachial arches
  7. Eye muscles are very important.
  8. Then do all the diagrams in netter anatomy atlas ( head and neck)

Very important:

  1. Facial muscles VVVVVVVVVVVV. IMP ((we had to identify facial muscles in the exam))
  2. Tmj muscles
  3. Tongue muscles
  4. Skull diagrams (( foramena and there contents))
  5. Mandible (( very imp ))
  6. Salivary Gland
  7. Hyoid bone and structures attached ((v imp))
  8. Embryology diagrams ((fetal development))
  9. Do chapter 13 in Scully ((Neurology))
  10. Only cover the cranial nerve lesions for know they are extremly important
  11. The table that has the extracranial causes of nerve paralysis is very important as well
  12. Use any undergraguate anatomy book to help u solve the rest of the feedback questions.
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B: Microbiology:

  1. Blue book is enough: I only covered the following sections (( they are the most imp))

Bacteria ch 49: cover the morphology and nutrition, growth and cultivation (the first 4 pages)

  1. Antimicrobial chemotherapy it’s VVVV. IMP. AND diagnostic bacteriology
  2. For chapter 51:you only need to know the name of the bacteria its major CHCH and the disease it cause. (( an easy way to do it is to make a table with covering the 3 items I mentioned above
  3. Chapter 52 (virus and chapter 53 fungi ) is very important

e.Don’t remember the most important things is : to cover all the feedback questions.

C: Immunology:very important

A.Cover wiki first here is the link: Its very important we had 6 questions in ore1 2012


  1. Immunology in blue book :

(( blue book immunology is complicated so just do the parts I mentioned))

  1. (Do the basic structure plus the different types)
  2. Hypersensitivity
  3. Chapter 18 in vander (( the defence mechansim of the body))

C.In Scully :cover both the



D.The feedbacks questions its very important

D: General Pathology:

A.the pathology chapter in blue book is very importantTHE PATHOLOGY CHAPTER IN BLUE BOOK IS VERY IMPORTANT

b.answer all the feedback questions

E: Biochemistry:

1.Blue book :only cover

  1. the 2 pages (epithelial tissue )

B.Dentine page 345

C.Chapter31, 32, 34 are very important

D.Vander chapters (( cell structure and protein function )) very important the first batch had lots of question from this chapter .

E.Answer all the feedback questions for biochemistry they are about 20 questions.

F: Oral histology:

Is an easy subject (( we had lots of questions in oral histology so cover it properely))

  1. Blue book : is amazing and has everything u need to know cover every single line and pictures ((don’t skip anything)) and remember since blue book is very concise it will not explain much (( if u don’t remember use a refrence book ex: ten and cate to go through the basic again)).

B.Cover the tooth development diagram from ten and cate or google the picture online

((((I have downloaded the soft copy revision version of ten and cate it had about 400 questions plus lots of diagrams , so it make oral histology very easy))) .

G: Pharmacology:

  1. Pink book:

A.analgesic, anasthesia and sedation


  1. Churchill:

A.Analgesic, Sedation and GA

B.Dental prescribing and theraputics

C.Emergency in dentistry


Chapter 1: medical emergency.

Chapter 3:analgesic , local anesthesia ((((very very important)))))) every little detail.

The tables in chapter 3

4.Master series:

Master 1: chapter 4 anxiety and pain control very important plus answer the MCQ and EMQ.

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Master 2: chapter 6 conscious sedation in dentistry very important plus answer the EMQ and MCQ.

((((U might think it’s a lot to cover but believe me it’s not the above can take a total of 3 days maximum to cover u don’t have to remember any doses given in any of the above books except for the:

1.Local anesthetic use the ones provided in pink or scully (both are the same).

  1. Conscious sedation in master series.

5.Doses u need to memorize are the one provided in the ((Scottish guidelines))

It’s an amazing document made by pharmacology very easy

H: Physiology:

Very important we had 20% of physio questions and since never knows what are the important topics , u will have to cover all of them properly:

o Chap1 – Homeostasis : A framework for human Physiology

o Chap 3 – Cellular structure Proteins and Metabolism

o Chap 4 – Movement of molecules across membranes

o CHAP6: Nerve

o Chap 9 – Muscle

o Chap 11 – The Endocrine System section a is v imp

o Chap 12 – Cardiovascular Phsiology v imp

o Chap 13- Respiratory Phyisology v imp

o Chap 14 – The Kidneys and Regulation of water and Inorganic Ions imp

o Chap 15- The Digestion and Absorptionof foodv imp

o Chap 16 – Regulation of Organic Metabolism and Energy Balance

o Chap 18- Defense mechanisms of the body v imp


Now since we are done with the boring basic subject we will start the clinical science.

Clinical Subjects:

A: Radiology :

1.I first cover Eric white the whole book tooth me 5 days.The important chs:

1.Ch 7 :Image processing .

2.Cover Ch 8 very important .(radiation protection and legislation).

3.Ch 12 occlusal radiography.

4.Ch 14 Skull and maxillofacial radiography.

5.Ch 17 panoramic radiography.

6.Ch 18 The quality of radiographic images and quality assurance.

7.Ch 27 and 28 are important they will also help improve your oral pathology.ARE IMP THEY WILL ALSO HELP IMPROVE UR

3.Churchill: It has the summery of the majority of the important tables in eric whites((cover radiology chapters v.importa)

4.BDA : radiation advice sheet very important.

5.Kodak documents :(( very helpful))KODAK DOC (( VERY HELPFUL))

B: Restorative dentistry: (( operative , endodontics, crown and bridge)).

  1. Cover pink book
  2. Cover churchill.
  3. Master 2 (( Restorative and endodontics chs))
  4. Answer the feedbacks they are very important.

C: Periodontology:

  1. Perio in master 2 is amazing .
  2. Perio in pink book.
  3. Perio in churchill.
  4. The 8 PPT provided by the british society of periodontolgy are very important
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E.the feedback question.

D: Prosthodontics:

A.Pink book.

B.Churchill .

C.Master 2 .

D.Feedbacks .

E: Pediatric dentistry and preventive dentistry:

A.Master 2 is very important.



D.Delivering better oral health ((v.imp use it for flourosis doses)).


F: Oral and maxillofacial surgery:

A.Pink book


C.Master 1

1.Ch 3: Medical aspects of patient care.

2.Ch 6: removal of teeth and surgical implantology.

3.Ch 8 :oral and maxillofacial injuries.

4.Ch 9 :dentofacial anomalies ((cleft palate is very important)) .

  1. MASTER 2:restorative management of dental implants.
  2. All feedback questions

G: Orthodontics:

  1. Pink book
  2. Churchill
  3. Master is coplicated I only covered ch 11 Orthodontic 111: Appliances and tooth movement.
  4. Feedback question (( We only had 2 question in ortho))

H: Oral medicine.

Since this is a huge subject and u can never go through all of cawson and scully , I first cover oral medicine :



3.Master 1

Then I used scully and cawson to solve the feedback questions , remember the feedbacks will help guide you to the most important topics u need to cover from both books.All the oral pathology questions in ore 2012 repeated from feedbacks.

In Scully cover:

1.Headache in the neurology ch

2.Heamatology chapter is very important cover everything especially the tests required for different conditions.

EX: If the pt is suffering Leukemia or multiple myloma which test will u request to confirm diagnosis.


1.Salivary gland

2.Plus use it as a refrence to solve the 1500 Qs u have for oral pathology.

I: Statstic:

Use the 2 pages provided by Dr.Irfan in Ore group facebook.

  1. Evidence based practice:
  2. Master 1 the first chapter .
  3. The feedback Qs answer all of them they are very important (( we had 8 Qs in april 2012 exam)))
  4. Law and ethics very important.11. LAW AND ETHICS VERY IMP
  5. Pink book.
  6. Churchill.
  7. Master 2 Ch 12.
  8. All the BDA sheets very vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv important.
  9. Data protection ((v importan))
  10. Ethics in dentistry ((very important ))
  11. Infection control (( v imp))
  12. radiation advice sheet ((v imp))
  13. Dental recall
  14. Health and safty (( V imp))
  15. Risk assessment (( V imp))

The basic science took me a month and a half to finish and then I covered the clinical science in 2 months , I did one month revision.

Credits:  Saranya Sreeraj



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  1. thank you madam for yr kind information,but i dont have any of the above mentioned books (pink, blue,netter atalas) ,so its my humble request to send me the soft copies of those books.

  2. Thank you… never had somebody who could write down all this in such a detail for the benefit of other and put it up in a public domain. Thank you so much

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for an amazing post. But if you could please tell what are these blue and pink books and from where can i get their soft copies.

  4. Like the comments above, I’d also appreciate if you could send me the files of the pink and blue book that you’ve mentioned. thanks~

  5. Thank you for your detailed information. I wonder how can I find Odell, Ten Cate, Dawson, Churchill books. If anyone have the link of the books could share them?

  6. Hi, it was really informative. Thank you for the effort. Can you please send me the soft copies of above mentioned books.
    Thank you

  7. hello dear, thank u so much for this information. u have listed pink book, churchill, and masters in most subject. i would like to know if u meant to cover one of these books or cover all three ???


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