How to Practice Clinical Dentistry with in Australia?

Australian Dental Council (ADC) is the organization which has authority to examine the knowledge and skills of foreign dentists who want to practice clinical dentistry within Australia.
After the initial assessment of documents, candidates have to appear in:

1) Written Exam
2) Practical Exam

Initial Assessment of documents take 8 weeks on average, then only you can apply for written exam whenever ADC will open bookings.

Written Exam: 

Written Exam is conducted twice year in March and September, at different venues all over the World. Exam consists of 4 papers, being held over 2 days, 2 papers each day. Each paper consists of 80 Mcqs and Sbqs. Candidates are supposed to complete each paper in 2 hours.

Candidates have to pass all 4 papers to make a pass overall. The syllabus for all papers covers all of clinical subjects only. Details of subjects can be found on Australian Dental Council website.

All the syllabus and books are available on onedrive link; you don’t need to buy anything for written exam. Written exam is valid for 3 years, in that time you are supposed to pass Practical Exam.

Practical Exam:

Practical Exam is held at 5 venues, twice/thrice yearly, within Australia only, so if you are travelling from outside Australia, you have to make visa and travel arrangements well before time. Practical Exam is 3 days exam in which candidates are required to perform clinical procedures on simulated patients (manikin/ phantom head). There are total of 14 tasks, of which 13 are given in exam. Passing criteria can be found on ADC website.

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The list of tasks asked is:

Candidates will be required to complete 12 tasks from the following list, with the tasks allocated to candidates on each day of the examination. In addition, Infection Control will be assessed throughout the examination.

• Class II amalgam or composite preparation
• Class II amalgam restoration
• Class II resin composite restoration
• Class III resin composite preparation
• Class IV resin composite restoration
• Full gold crown preparation
• Metal-ceramic crown preparation
• Fabricate a provisional crown
• Endodontic access cavity
• Take 3 radiographs on a manikin
• Rubber dam application
• Clinical communication
• Dental record keeping

Good luck everyone wishing to appear for ADC exam. If you need any assistance with this exam , please write me email on [email protected]


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