How to get FCPS Residency In Punjab?

In 2016 Punjab govt. has announced Central induction policy(CIP) Under Punjab Residency program.This program is designed to help the candidates of Residency through step by step guidance, designed by Punjab Information Technology Board in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Government of the Punjab.The program is intended to make the entire process of candidacy and selection online, automatic and transparent.

Candidates who have previously passed fcps Part 1 are eligible to apply for FCPS from the following website online

Candidates who have previously passed JCAT are eligible to apply for MD/MS/MDS. JCAT(Joint Centralized Admission Test) Exam is held every year under KEMU under Punjab govt Lahore.
JCAT passed candidates can also apply from the following website online


Candidates who have passed both fcps Part 1 and JCAT are eligible to apply for both FCPS and MD/MS/MDS through separate application forms.
It is important that applicant has FCPS Part1 and MS/MD/MDS JCAT cleared, along with a 12 months House Job Completion Certifcate, PMDC Registration for Pakistani Graduates/License to practice by relevant bodies for foreign graduates and Result of passing PART-I Examination of FCPS/MD/MS/MDS within last 03 years.


95% seats are for Punjab.5% seats are for other regions. In this Non-Punjab selection, 3% seats are allocated to Open Merit whereas 2% seats are reserved amongst candidates from Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit & Baltistan, Baluchistan and FATA. In an example scenario, if a candidate from FATA qualifes for the open merit of 3%, the candidate will be selected, otherwise, the candidate will then be competing against 2% quota of the reserved seats. The system has been specially designed with Hungary Protocoles with a placement alogrithim to give the Non-Punjab candidates two chances i.e. one is open merit and the other is from reserved seats.

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MARKS DISTRIBUTIONS:(Marks Calculated by farmulas)

TOTAL 100 MARKS IN AGGREGAT (One should struggle to get maximum aggregat to achieve his/her field of interest or speciality)
1= 40 marks for FCPS part1 and JCAT.
forexample fcps-1 passing marks are 75 out of 100 by CPSP. so it is calculated by this
Formula: 75/100 =0.75 ,
0.75 × 40(Marks for PGship)= 30 Marks

In Recent inuction of july 2017 punjab govt. has issued 30 Marks for all fcps-1 passed candidates
Equaly. 2= 20 marks for degree.
If anybody have got marks from 5 years MBBS OR 4 Year BDS degree ,suppose 2250 out of total degree marks 3500… so
Formula: 2250/3500 = 0.6428571429 ,
0.6428571429×20(Marks for PGship)= 12.8571428571
3= 5 Marks for Attempts 4= 10 marks for study in public(Govt) institute and House Job in Public (Govt) Institute.
5= 20 marks for experience. Maximum marks for experience: 20 . Not more than 20 marks would be given.

Minimum experience is 6 months acceptable.No marks for experience less than 6 months.In experience more than 6 months, every single month is calculated to give benefit to everyone who has a month’s edge in the experience. If you have experience of 6 months, Marks for Secondary(DHQs And THQs) would be 2.5 and Marks for Primary (RHCs AND BHUs) would be 5.

If you have experience of 7 months, Marks of Secondary will be 2.916666667 and Marks for Primary will be 5.833333333.

Similarly every single month after 6th Months experience will be counted in and given marks accordingly 6= 5 Marks for Research papers.

Marks are inclusive of Islamiyat/Pak Studies.Distinction Marks can be added in the EXPERIENCE section.Candidates with Research Papers accepted but not published are eligible to submit their accepted Research Paper details to be counted for the merit.

See also  Last Date to submit forms for FCPS Part 1 March 2018 Attempt


In Punjab fcps Induction process held once in a year .
Online scrutinise Process takes 2 months to get inducted and to be completed.
After Filling online application on PRP website They call for Grievence redresal comitee if you are rejected in online application for some cause. Redresal comittee sit for 2-3 Days.
After 1st Redressal comitee sitting It takes 1 to 2 weeks to announce your result based upon your preference and speciality wise on PRP websit.
As soon as you find your result on websit they call you for consent signing in your respective institution in Round 1 of selection process.
In Round 2 , 2nd list is displayed on website in which vacant seats are refiled ,filterd or left vacant in round 1.
In Round 3 , final complete list of selected candidates is displayed on PRP(Punjab residency program) website.
After Final listing every selected candidate called for joining For FCPS/MS/MD/MDS Residency to their respective institutions.
In simple words it can be said its an quick process of induction.

What things can Improve your overall aggregate:
These are the things which confirms your induction guranteed in punjab or can improve your scoring.
1= Getting your Research papers or articals published during or before house job.(2.5 Marks for one paper,Totall 5 are more than enough)
Published paper must show your name as 1st,2nd or 3rd Author.
2=Getting Experience by Joining Primary (RHC,BHU) OR Secondary(DHQ,THQ) Immidiatly after House job.(20 Marks for Exp)
3=Doing House job in Public(govt) institutions.(2.5 marks for one year HJ in Public institution)
4=Always try to give Ist preference to your Home institution while selecting speciality preferences.(2.5 Marks for home or parent institute)




  1. I dont get the last point.please clarify.i have graduated from a private institiute and will be doing house job in government institute? Does this makea a difference if i do it from my parent private institute or the marks would be equal in both cases

  2. i m doing training for 2.5 years.. i m gona switch my training institute and supervisor … whats the process ?? .. do i have to go thru CIP ( i wasnt inducted thru cip at that time) .. no info about it on their website and nothing on call..

  3. If i do 6 mmths from my own public institute and 6 mmths from some other public institute will i still get credit of 2.5 marks of doing it from parent institute or not ..please help


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