Things to Study in Last 15 Days [FCPS Part 1]

Last 15 days study plan

What should to study in last 15 Days? MCQs or Text Books? Random pearls or important Topics?

We are giving guidelines to answer yoy questions.

These guidelines are for those who have completed their course (finished one good read) and now busy (mainly) in MCQs.

In which group you’re right now? In last 15 days of study, candidates for FCPS part 1 can be divided into TWO groups.


It is such a mess, can’t do it anymore and my study… just a mixture of confused concepts. I think if I get 15-20 more days then I can handle it but only remaining 15 days with so many things (remaining) it is very difficult for me to go there (in exam hall) with confidence that “I am prepare”… Actually I am thinking that in next attempt I will be much more prepared. Passing in this attempt will be miracle.”


“All right! Honestly speaking I am not 100% sure about my prep and there are some weak areas/subjects BUT one thing is sure that I am gonna fight till last second. My job is to work hard and do continuous struggle, the rest is ALLAH’s will and my luck.

Thinking of Next Attempt? NEVER think about that bcoz I have to PASS in this one.”

Make sure that you’re in group 2.

Divide your time.

You have to give 40-45% time to MCQs books. If you already solved MCQs books once then restart it but this time ONLY those MCQs in which you stuck on first read.

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Give 15-20% of your study time to FIRST AID. You may say that I hate this book then let me tell me you that “me too” but it is truly “First Aid”. Micro + Pharma + Immunology + Biochem & SLEEP topic from behavior science portion, these are the things you have to do from First aid. (Special Patho is optional). Revise First aid many times (if possible).

40% of your study time will be for course book. Give superficial read to general topics (as a whole) and concentrate on High-Yield Topics. In last week focus on important charts and tables (like BRS Physiology: Table 2.5 and 2.6 etc or in Anatomy structure passing through skull – various foramen etc etc).

In course books your top priority book will be the subject which is directly related to your specialty (Physio & Patho for Medicine and Anatomy for Surgery, Endocrine Physio, Reproductive Patho & Pelvis/Perineum Anatomy for Gynae & Obs etc etc)

The last 15 days are all about “Consistency, not losing hope & temper, staying focus, working hard & remain optimistic” With positive attitude you will surpass yours (& others) expectation In’Sha’ALLAH.

Passing in part 1 is equal to “Your hard work + Prayers + Luck”
So do your job.
Ask others (friends & family) to do theirs (prayers)


Good Luck


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