PLAB 2 Stations from November 2014 upto May 2017


1) Suicidal risk assessment paracetamol intake.
2) Sutures
3) Dysphagia
4) MRSA with COPD
5) BP n auscultation of heart (talking manikin)
6) Morphine with lymphoma
7) Visual fields
8) Knee joint examination
9) Thyroid
10) Peak flow meter
11) HyperemisisGravidarum
12) DKA lady wants to go home
13) PR bleeding in 11 months baby (gastroenteritis positive contact history)
14) Febrile convulsions
15) Gonorrhea infection
16) Urinary incontinence (stress incontinence) Hx


  1. MRSA Colonisation
    2. Diabetic Foot Examination
    3. Meningitis Examination
    4. UriniaryCatheterisation
    5. Otoscopy – Otitis Media
    6. Chronic Renal Failure – Discuss Lab results
    7. Stroke – Risk factors Counselling
    8. Suicide Risk Assessment – Paracetamol ingestion
    9. Hep A History – Deranged LFTs
    10. PreEclampsia – Counsel Pt to stay
    11. Simman – Infective Exacerbation of COPD
    12. Female Sexual history
    13. Spacer device Counselling
    14. IBS
    15. Pediatric Head Injury
    16. Patient with back pain – CA Prostate


1) Hypoglycemic fits.Counselling.
2) Alcohol history.
3) Bimanual exam
4) Secondary survey
5) Insulin dose calc
6) Elbow exam
7) MRSA infection
8) Testicular pain Hx&mgt
9) Deranged LFTs. Hx&Diagnosis
10) BPH +UTI. Mgt with patient.
11) Foreign body ingestion
12) Congenital heart murmur
13) Headache. Hx&Diagnosis
14) Constipation.Hx&Diagnosis. Simman(BP,Auscultate, Mgt)
15) Suturing

Medicine History:

  1. Chest pain.
  2. Fever: Don’t forget to take travel history
  3. Wheeze
  4. Headache
  5. 50 Yr old lady with abnormal LFT. Take history and discuss with the patient
  6. Giant cell arthritis, Discuss management.
  7. Palpitations: Red Alert! This can be a Psychiatric station
  8. Dyspnoea
  9. Cough and Haemoptysis
  10. Dysphagia
  11. Weight Loss: Angry patient? – Think of Anorexia Nervosa
  12. Constipation: Is he on Opiates?
  13. Diarrhoea
  14. Polyuria and weight loss
  15. Loss of consciousness: Does he need sugar?
  16. Numbness of thumb
  17. History- dizziness
  18. Diplopia- take history and discuss with the examiner.
  19. Weight gain
  20. Sexual History: Diplomacy and confidentiality matters
  21. Paracetamol Poisoning.
  22. Red Eye
  23. Hoarseness of voice
See also  Past Papers of MOH Oman Exams (Past Papers Collection from 22 Exams PDF)


1.Non accidental injury- scalds on buttocks plus arm bruises
3. Diabetes mellitis counselling regarding lifestyle management .patient discharged on metformin.
4. Stroke counselling in follow up clinic
5. Shoulder examination (patient with sling)
6. Antenatal examination
7. Medical negligence by colleague ; patient left with cannula and not given Antibiotic
8. Talking manikin:Acute limb ischemia
9. Drug history and asses risk factors
10.CRF discuss investigations and tell signifance of each to patient
11. Pain management post op
12. Unconciouspatient:Gcs with neurological examination
13. Mmse assess cognition
14. Fever with chest pain hx and diagnosis and management
15. Peak flow meter
16. Abdominal injury + femur fracture
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