MCQs on Oral Histology – Periodontal Ligament

In this Post you will be able to take quiz containing important MCQs of Oral Histology and topic covered in this Quiz will be Periodontal Ligament. Correct Answers are Marked in Bold and Blue colour.

Periodontal Ligament Multiple Choice Questions : Oral Histology

  1. Which of the following is correct:
    A. Fibronectin helps in attachment of fibroblasts to collagen
    B. Cementicles are found in periodontal ligament of order individuals
    C. The large nerve fibres are myelinated and are concerned with discerment of touch
    D. The small nerve fibres may or may not be myelinated and are concerned with discrement of pain
    E. All of the above
  2. In a dried skull, holes on the lingual aspects of the deciduous teeth are called:
    A. Volkmann canals
    B. Canals of Hirchfeld and Zuckerland
    C. Herversian canals
    D. Gubernacular canals
  3. The type of bone present in the labial area of anterior teeth is:
    A. Cortical
    B. Cancellous
    C. Osteophytics
    D. Exophytic
  4. Width of PDL is:
    A. 0.10 mm
    B. 0.50 mm
    C. 0.25 mm
    D. 0.75 mm
  5. The periodontal ligament is approximately:
    A. 0.25 mm in thickness
    B. 0.5 mm in thickness
    C. 0.75 mm in thickness
    D. mm in thickness
  6. Development of supporting tissues of the tooth is initiated by:
    A. Cells of dental follicle
    B. Cells of odontogenic layer
    C. Cementoblasts
    D. Cells of the gingiva
  7. Width of the periodontal ligament is least at:
    A. Cervical third
    B. Apical third
    C. Fulcrum of rotation
    D. It has uniform width
  8. Cementicles are found in the:
    A. Gingiva
    B. Periodontal ligament
    C. Alveolar bone
    D. Cementum
  9. Periodontal ligament is made up of:
    A. Type I collagen
    B. Type I and Type III collagen
    C. Type I and Type II collagen
    D. Type I and Type IV collagen
  10. Interdependency of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in bone remodeling is called as:
    A. Lacunae
    B. Coupling
    C. Reversal lines
    D. Canaliculi
  11. Periodontal fibres joining cemental surface of one tooth, to cemental surface of adjacent tooth are called:
    A. Gingivodental
    B. Cemental fibres
    C. Horizontal fibres
    D. Transseptal fibres
  12. Sharpey’s fibres are derived from:
    A. Hertwig’s root sheath
    B. Epithelial rests of malassez
    C. Alveolar bone
    D. Dental follicle
  13. Periodontal ligament has predominantly:
    A. Type II collagen fibres
    B. Oxytalan fibres
    C. Elastic fibres
    D. Type I collagen fibres
  14. Which of the following groups of fibres are not attached to alveolar bone:
    A. Transseptal
    B. Horizontal
    C. Oblique
    D. Apical
  15. The most abundant principle fibre group in periodontal ligament is:
    A. Horizontal
    B. Transeptal
    C. Apical
    D. Oblique
  16. In mammals independent and tough suspension for teeth is provided by:
    A. Alveolar sockets
    B. Cementum
    C. Gubernacular cords
    D. Periodontal membrane
  17. Group of fibres, which resist the masticatory forces:
    A. Dentogingival
    B. Transeptal
    C. Oblique
    D. Horizontal
  18. Fibres of periodontal ligament embedded in the bone are:
    A. Sharpey’s fibres
    B. Tomes fibres
    C. Elastic fibres
    D. Ray’s fibres
  19. The attached apparatus of tooth is composed of:
    A. Gingiva, cementum and alveolar bone
    B. Gingiva and cementum
    C. Cementum and periodontal ligament
    D. Peridontal ligament the cementum and the alveolar bone
  20. Age changes in periodeontal ligament include which of the following:
    A. Increased fibroplasia
    B. Increased vascularity
    C. Increased thickness
    D. Decreased in number of cementicles
  21. Collagen molecule exhibits all of the following features except:
    A. Triple pleated sheath
    B. Mostly contains glycine residues
    C. Exhibit cross striations at 64 μm
    D. Intracellular in nature
  22. Which of the following is not the principle fibre group of the periodontal ligament:
    A. Horizontal
    B. Oblique
    C. Alveolar crest
    D. Transseplat
  23. A special feature of the periodontal ligament fibroblasts is:
    A. The number or organelles
    B. Presence of actin fibres and shape change
    C. size of the cells
    D. Collagen fibre formation
  24. The component of future T.M.J shows development at:
    A. 6 weeks
    B. 10 weeks
    C. 18 weeks
    D. 16 weeks
  25. Centre of the disc in TMJ is:
    A. Avascular
    B. Devoid of nervous tissue
    C. Avascular & deviod of nervous tissue
    D. None of the above
  26. Narrowing of periodontal ligament in labially placed mandibular canine with age is due to:
    A. Due to deposition of cementum and bone
    B. Down growths of gingival epithelium
    C. Gingival cysts formed from cell rests
    D. Reversal of function of horizontal and oblique fibres
  27. The main function of horizontal fibers of P.D ligament is:
    A. Prevent extrusion
    B. Prevent rotation
    C. Maintains the mesiodistal width
    D. All of the above
  28. The rest of malassez in the periodontal ligament are derived from:
    A. Dental pulp
    B. Lamina propria
    C. Odontogenic epithelium
    D. Vestibular lamina
  29. The most abundant group of fibers in the PDL are:
    A. Trans-septal
    B. Horizontal
    C. Oblique
    D. Apical
  30. True about osteoclasts:
    A. Monocytes are precursor cells of osteoclasts
    B. The plasma membrane of osteoclasts adjacent to bone that is being resorbed is known as striated or ruffled border
    C. Contain lysosomes with acid phosphates
    D. All of the above are true
  31. Sharpey’s fibres are present in:
    A. Bone
    B. Periosteum
    C. Periodontal ligament
    D. All of the above
  32. Intermediate plexus is absent in which of the following principle fibres:
    A. Gingival
    B. Oblique
    C. Horizontal
    D. Transseptal
  33. The calcified mass found in the PDL are:
    A. Cementicles
    B. Osteoblasts
    C. Cementoclasts
    D. Osteoclasts
  34. Principal fibres of periodontal ligament are attached to:
    A. Alveolar bone proper
    B. Bundle bone
    C. Lamellar bone
    D. Cortical bone
  35. Collagen biosynthesis occurs inside the:
    A. Chondroblasts
    B. Odontoblasts
    C. Osteoblasts
    D. Fibroblasts
  36. Bone adjacent to periodontal ligament that contains a great number of sharpey’s fibres is known as:
    A. Lamina dura
    B. Bundle bone
    C. Lamina propria
    D. Lamina densa
  37. Intermediate plexus is seen in the:
    A. Cementum
    B. PDL
    C. Pulp
    D. Dentin
  38. The vascular supply of the periodontal ligament is:
    A. Greatest in the middle-third of a single rotted tooth
    B. Greatest in the middle-third of a multirooted tooth
    C. A net like plexus that runs closer to the cementum than to the bone
    D. A net like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum
  39. All of the following cells of periodontal ligament are of mesenchymal origin except:
    A. Fibroblasts
    B. Multi totipotent cells
    C. Cementoblasts
    D. Cell rests of malassez
  40. Remnants of the Hertwig’s root sheath are found in:
    A. Gingiva
    B. Alveolar bone
    C. Periodontal ligament
    D. Cementum
  41. Anchoring fibrils are composed of:
    A. Type V and VII collagen
    B. Type I and III collagen
    C. Type IV collagen
    D. Type IV and III Collagen
  42. The periodontal ligament:
    A. Derives its blood supply primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp
    B. Has a slow rate of turn over
    C. Contains epithelial cells
    D. Comprises primarily of type II collagen


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