MD/MS/MDS Residency Training at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Session 2017-18


Online Applications are invited for admission in the MD/MS/MDS residency training in the following at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad.


4-6 years Residency Program leading to Level III qualifications viz MD / MS / MDS

Faculty of Medicine & Allied Disciplines
Speciality In
1 MD (Critical Care Medicine) 3 MD (Neonatology)
2 MD (Nephrology) 4 MD (Rheumatology)
Faculty of Surgery & Allied Disciplines
Speciality In
1 MS (Accident & Emergency) 7 MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
2 MS (Anesthesia) 8 MS (Ophthalmology)
3 MS (Burn Surgery) 9 MS (Orthopedic Surgery)
4 MS (Cardiac Surgery) 10 MS (Paediatric Surgery)
5 MS (General Surgery) 11 MS (Urology)
6 MS (Neuro Surgery)
Faculty of Dentistry & Allied
Speciality In
1 MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

ELIGIBILITY: Residency Training Programs

  1. Candidate must possess MBBS or equivalent degree registered by PMDC
  2. Must possess one year house job from a PMDC recognized Institution
  3. Permanent valid registration with PM&DC
  4. Declared successful in MD/MS/MDS Part-I for University programes.
  5. In case of foreign candidate, valid registration with Medical Council of their country of origin must be produced.


The procedure for admission is as follows:

  1. For MD-II/MS-II/MDS-II Admission Form must be filled online
  2. Applicants must choose Degree Level (MD/MS/MDS) and once it’s chosen, they can apply in maximum 2 Specialty with the same application.
  3. In case of incorrect information, the University has the right to cancel the application admission without any fee refund.
  4. Application processing fee is Rs. 2000 for each Specialty
  5. Applicants will create a Bank Draft/ Pay Order in favor of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University Islamabad (NTN# 9010030-4). Fee is non-refundable/non-adjustable.
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The following attested documents must copies be attached:

  1. Three Passport size photograph
  2. Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)
  3. Domicile certificate
  4. Matric, F.Sc, certificates or equivalent
  5. MBBS/BDS degree with detail marks certificates of all professional examinations.
  6. House Job certificates
  7. PMDC valid permanent registration certificate.
  8. MD/MS Part-I passing certificate.
  9. Experience Certificates (if any).
  10. Any other certificate.
  11. Copy of Online submitted Admission Form along with mentioned documents should reach the Office of Assistant Registrar (Admission), Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University Islamabad before the closing date.
  12. University will NOT consider applications which are incomplete or have not been submitted within the stipulated deadline.


  1. Selection of candidate will be made strictly on open merit basis.
  2. Candidates who are Government Servants/serving in Autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel. Advance applications will not be considered in case their applications through proper channel are not received before interview. NOC will be required to join the course if selected in the case of such candidate.
  3. Candidate shall submit affidavit that they shall not leave training in between. Candidates who are already under training in other Institutions and registered with CPSP/University or has completed training at SZABMU and not passed the degree/diploma shall not be entertained for other program in same/other discipline. Candidates will be admitted in 1st year of residency programs.
  4. Decision of Selection Committee will be final.
  5. Last date for submission of application forms is 03-08-2017 till 04:00 PM
  6. No. TA/DA will be paid for interview. Incomplete application form shall not be entertained.
  7. Submit Online Admission Form at
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