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Today in this article we will share stuff related to PACES. We will share Pdf copy of Secret of PACES.

Table of Contents (Secret of PACES)

  1. Clubbing ……………………………………………………2
  2. Hepatosplenomegaly ………………………………………3
  3. Thalassemia ………………………………………………..4
  4. Mercedes Benz scar ………………………………………..6
  5. Neck scar …………………………………………………..8
  6. Polycystic kidney disease ………………………………….10
  7. Renal transplant ……………………………………………11
  8. Cardiology …………………………………………………12
  9. Congenital Cyanotic Heart disease………………………….2
  10. Coarctation ………………………………………………….3
  11. Kartagener’s syndrome …………………………………….4
  12. Holt-Oram syndrome ……………………………………….6
  13. Mitral valve replacement ……………………………………7
  14. Infective endocarditis ……………………………………….11
  15. Post-operative pericardial effusion …………………………17
  16. A Tearful Cyanotic Boy ……………………………………18
  17. Mx of valvular cyanotic boy ………………………………..20
  18. Severity of valve lesion …………………………………….22
  19. Mitral stenosis ………………………………………………23
  20. Aortic stenosis ………………………………………………24
  21. Valvotomy scar ……………………………………………..26
  22. Metallic prosthetic valve ……………………………………27
  23. Dermatology …………………………………………………
  24. Psoriasis  ……………………………………………………..2
  25. Pustular psoriasis  ……………………………………………3
  26. Steven Johnson syndrome  ………………….……………….5
  27. Basic dermatology  ………………………….……………….7
  28. Familial hypercholesterolaemia …………………………….12
  29. Hansen’s disease ………………………………………….…14
  30. Endocrinology ……………………………………………….58
  31. Acromegaly ……………………………….………………..59
  32. Pseudohypoparathyroidism ……………….………………..64
  33. Hypothyroidism ……………………………………………10
  34. Cushing’s syndrome ……………………………………….12
  35. Paget’s disease …………………………………………….16
  36. Turner’s syndrome …………………………………………17
  37. Grave’s disease ……………………………………………20
  38. Laurence Moon Biedl syndrome …………………………..21
  39. Lipodystrophy ……………………………………………..22
  40. Addison’s disease …………………………………………24
  41. Neurology …………………………………………………83
  42. Bilateral LMN 7th CN palsy ……………………………..2
  43. Ptosis ……………………………………………………..3
  44. Third nerve palsy …………………………………………5
  45. Horner’s syndrome ……………………………………….5
  46. Dissociated sensory loss …………………………………..11
  47. Spinocerebellar ataxia …………..………………12
  48. Ophthalmoplegia & giddiness …………………..14
  49. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease ……………………17
  50. Brain pacemaker …………………………………19
  51. Neurofibromatosis ……………………………….20
  52. Spastic paraparesis ………………………………22
  53. Bilateral partial ptosis ……………………………23
  54. High stepping gait ………………………………..25
  55. Giddiness – Gait disturbance ………………..……25
  56. Wallenberg syndrome ………………………..…..28
  57. Wasting of the small muscles of the hands………..29
  58. Carpal tunnel syndrome …………………………..31
  59. Peripheral neuropathy ……………………………32
  60. Brown Sequard syndrome ………………………..33
  61. Proximal myopathy ………………………………34
  62. Ophthalmology …………………………………….
  63. Optic atrophy  ……………………………………..1
  64. Retinitis pigmentosa  ………………………………2
  65. CRAO …………………………………………….
  66. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum ……………………….
  67. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy ……………….
  68. Respiratory ………………………………………..
  69. Clubbing ……………………………….…………2
  70. Pneumonectomy …………………………………
  71. Fibrosing alveolitis ………………………………3
  72. SVC obstruction ………………………………. ..4
  73. Central cyanosis with clubbing …………………..6
  74. Crepitations and clubbing …………………………7
  75. Rheumatology …………………………………….
  76. Clubbing  …………………………………………2
  77. Scleroderma  ……………………………………..3
  78. Rheumatoid arthritis  ……………………………..7
  79. Marfan’s syndrome  ………………………………9
  80. Psoriasis with axial arthropathy  ………………….10
  81. Chronic tophaceous gout and OA ……………….13
  82. Dermatomyositis …………………………………15
  83. Charcot’s joint …………………………………..15
  84. Mixed connective tissue disease ………………..17
  85. Communication skills ……………………………
  86. Asking for a postmortem ………………………..155
  87. Brain death and withdrawal of treatment ……….156
  88. Principles in medical ethics …………………….161
See also  Download Rapid Review of PACES 2nd Revised Edition PDF Free

So these were the contents of this Secrets.

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Cases for PACES 2nd Edition

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