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The sample of Hurst Review Workbook PDF


  1. First of all, If someone has been burned, fluid seeps out into the tissue, why?
    increased capillary permeability (vessels are leaking)
  2. Also, When the fluid seeps into the tissue, what happened to the blood pressure and the pulse?

Explain why.
pulses increases to compensate for decreased volume. BP decreased because there is no volume. Less volume less pressure

  1. Also, Why does the cardiac output decrease when the fluid seeps out into the tissue?
    volume is decreased in vascular space therefore there is less volume to pump out
  2. Similarly, During this phase (when the fluid is seeping into the tissue), is this client in a fluid volume

deficit or fluid volume excess?

  1. Also, When a client is in a fluid volume deficit, why does their urine output decrease?
    decreased renal perfusion and the kidneys are trying to conserve what they have
  2. Also, After a major burn, when fluid is seeping out into the tissue, why is it important that ADH

and aldosterone are secreted?
help retain na and h2o and increase vascular volume

  1. Furthermore, What is the treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning? Explain why.

100% o2. Because the client is hypoxic. By giving 100% O2 we are increasing the probability that O2 will bind with the hemoglobin before carbon monoxide can.

  1. Also, When a client has any type of upper body burns, why do we have to worry about the
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when you have burns in this area you have to worry about airway damage and edema

  1. Also, What are the s/s of airway injury in the burned client?
    Singed nose hair, singed facial hair, soot, you know the black stuff all over the face, coughing up stuff with dark specs or the secretions could be really black, blisters found on the oral/pharyngeal mucosa.

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