Download Dental Decks PDF [Direct Links]

In this article we will share the Stuff related to Dentistry Exams, Dental Decks are essential part of your preparation if you are preparing for Dentistry Exams. As it covers Basic Subjects as well Clinical Subjects in very comprehensive way. In Dental Decks BCQs are given along with answers and explanations.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: 

  • Dental Decks 2013-14 Microbiology and Pathology
  • Dental Decks 2013-14 Anatomic Sciences
  • Dental Decks 2013-14 Biochemistry and Physiology
  • Dental Decks 2013-14 Dental Anatomy
  • Testlets
  • Pictures

Sample Question

1.  Which of the following is the most common cause of this patient’s autoimmune disease?

  1. Graves’ disease
  2. Thyroid adenoma
  3. Pituitary adenoma
  4. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

2. Which of the following is the primary etiologic factor of dental caries?

  1. Lactobacillus sp.
  2. P. gingivalis
  3. Actinomyces sp.
  4. S. mutans
  5. T. denticola

3. Each of the following is symptoms of hypothyroidism EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  1. Cold intolerance
  2. Weight gain
  3. Mental slowing
  4. Dry skin
  5. Restlessness

9. Which of the following is an acute inflammatory lesion consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by a fibrous wall?

  1. Abscess
  2. Granuloma
  3. Cyst
  4. Cellulitis

10. If the patient elects to have tooth #2 extracted, sectioning may be required. The practitioner should be aware of which of the following furcations?

  1. One
  2. Two – mesial and distal
  3. Two – buccal and lingual
  4. Three – mesial, distal, buccal
  5. Three – mesial, distal, lingual

Before proceeding towards sharing you the downloading Link let you know that we have other important stuff too for NBDE Exams.

See also  Download Dental Decks Oral Pathology 2013-14 PDF Free

Download Dental Decks and Dental Decks NBDE Part 1 Testlet PDF

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Dental Decks and Dental Decks NBDE Part 1 Testlet

Download Dental Decks


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