Download Big Robbins Pathology PDF Free

Big Robbins Pathology

One of the best-selling medical textbooks of all time, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease is the one book that nearly all medical students purchase, and is also widely used by physicians worldwide.

A “who’s who” of pathology experts delivers the most dependable, current, and complete coverage of today’s essential pathology knowledge. At the same time, masterful editing and a practical organization make mastering every concept remarkably easy. Online access via Student Consult includes self-assessment and review questions, interactive case studies, downloadable images, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets you view slides at different magnifications. The result remains the ideal source for an optimal understanding of pathology.

  • Offers the most authoritative and comprehensive, yet readable coverage available in any pathology textbook, making it ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation as well as for course work.
  • Includes access to the complete contents online via Student Consult, along with self-assessment and review questions, over 100 interactive clinical case studies, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets users view slides at different magnifications.

General Pathology

1. Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults: Adaptation, Injury, and Death

2. Acute and Chronic Inflammation

3. Tissue Renewal, Repair, and Regeneration

4. Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolic Disease, and Shock

5. Genetic Disorders

6. Diseases of the Immune System

7. Neoplasia

8. Infectious Diseases

9. Environmental and Nutritional Diseases

10. Diseases of Infancy and Childhood

Systemic Pathology: Diseases of Organ Systems

See also  Download Fundamentals of Pathology Medical Course and Step 1 Review 2015 Edition – Pathoma PDF Free

11. Blood Vessels

12. The Heart

13. Diseases of White Blood Cells, Lymph Nodes, Spleen, and Thymus

14. Red Blood Cell and Bleeding Disorders

15. The Lung

16. Head and Neck

17. The Gastrointestinal Tract

18. Liver and Biliary Tract

19. The Pancreas

20. The Kidney

21. The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Genital System

22. The Female Genital Tract

23. The Breast

24. The Endocrine System

25. The Skin

26. Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors

27. Peripheral Nerve and Skeletal Muscle

28. The Central Nervous System

29. The Eye

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