Temporomandibular Disorders Priorities for Research and Care PDF Free Download (Direct Link)

Temporomandibular Disorders Priorities for Research and Care PDF Free Download (Direct Link)

Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), are a set of more than 30 health disorders associated with both the temporomandibular joints and the muscles and tissues of the jaw. TMDs have a range of causes and often co-occur with a number of overlapping medical conditions, including headaches, fibromyalgia, back pain and irritable bowel syndrome. TMDs can be transient or long-lasting and may be associated with problems that range from an occasional click of the jaw to severe chronic pain involving the entire orofacial region. Everyday activities, including eating and talking, are often difficult for people with TMDs, and many of them suffer with severe chronic pain due to this condition. Common social activities that most people take for granted, such as smiling, laughing, and kissing, can become unbearable. This dysfunction and pain, and its associated suffering, take a terrible toll on affected individuals, their families, and their friends.

Individuals with TMDs often feel stigmatized and invalidated in their experiences by their family, friends, and, often, the health care community. Misjudgments and a failure to understand the nature and depths of TMDs can have severe consequences – more pain and more suffering – for individuals, their families and our society. Temporomandibular Disorders: Priorities for Research and Care calls on a number of stakeholders – across medicine, dentistry, and other fields – to improve the health and well-being of individuals with a TMD. This report addresses the current state of knowledge regarding TMD research, education and training, safety and efficacy of clinical treatments of TMDs, and burden and costs associated with TMDs. The recommendations of Temporomandibular Disorders focus on the actions that many organizations and agencies should take to improve TMD research and care and improve the overall health and well-being of individuals with a TMD.

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Front Matter i-xvi
Summary 1-16
1 Introduction 17-30
2 Definitions and Scope: What Are TMDs? 31-80
3 Individual and Societal Burden of TMDs 81-122
4 State of the Science on TMDs 123-196
5 Caring for Individuals with a TMD 197-254
6 Improving TMD Health Care: Practice, Education, Access, and Coverage 255-296
7 Improving Patient, Family, and Public Education and Awareness About TMDs 297-320
8 Next Steps and Recommendations 321-340
Appendix A: Workshop and Open Session Agendas 341-350
Appendix B: Committee Biographical Sketches 351-360
Appendix C: Commissioned Paper by Gary Slade and Justin Durham: Prevalence, Impact, and Costs of Treatment for Temporomandibular Disorders 361-402
Appendix D: Masticatory System: Anatomy and Function 403-410


Book Temporomandibular Disorders Priorities for Research and Care is available to download free in pdf format.

  • Name of Book: Temporomandibular Disorders Priorities for Research and Care
  • Format: pdf
  • Categories: Dentistry (General)
  • File Size: 10.3mb

Temporomandibular Disorders A Problem Based Approach 2nd Edition PDF Free Download

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