Pap Smear Morphology by Whole Slide Imaging (Digital Pathology) IMC Jeddah KSA

Pap Smear Morphology by Whole Slide Imaging
(Digital Pathology) 

Date : 30 September 2017 | Venue : IMC Jeddah KSA 

Learning Objectives  :

by the end of workshop, the participants will be able to understand :
– The Diagnostic difficulties of Glandular and Squamous Lesions
– The improvement factors for LBC Quality
– The reactive cellular changes in Pap smear
– The infectious entities and miscelleneous

Topics : 

Gladular and squamous lesions
Factors to improve your LBC Quality
Reactive cellular changes in PAP smear
Infectioys entities and miscelleneous
Management of abnoarmal Pap smear

CME hours : 8 CME 

Target Audience : 

Medical LAB tech
Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Clinical Pathologists
Medical Laboratory Students
Medical Students

Registration Details : 

Ms. Rehaf Alfidy
Ms Farhat Sultana
IMC Academy 4th flr IMC
ext 4324 / 4326
[email protected]

See also  Primary Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Skills Course March 11-12, 2017


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