Download Complete Books for MRCP Part 2 PDF Free

We will continue MRCP Series here and we will share the Books you will need for MRCP Part 2.

1: MasterPass: 

A: Medical Histories for the MRCP and Final MB (MasterPass):

Taking a patient’s medical history is a vital skill often overlooked by junior doctors and medical students, leading to a worryingly high failure rate in the PACES and OSCE exams. Don’t be caught out! This book has been specifically designed to give you invaluable guidance and practice for taking medical histories. It features 50 complete case studies, including referral letters, medical histories, suggested data gathering methods, points to consider, warning signs, management of uncomfortable topics and differential diagnosis. With a focus on the importance and benefits of role-play in revision, this concise and easy to read format provides the study aid for Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) candidates sitting their Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills (PACES) examinations. It is also of great benefit to undergraduates approaching their final year examinations.

Medical Histories for the MRCP and Final MB (MasterPass)


File Size: 957 KB

B: MRCP Cardiology MCQs (MasterPass) PDF: 

Cardiology is a large and critical branch of internal medicine, and as such covers a vast amount of the knowledge tested in Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (MRCP) exams. This study guide contains 150 multiple choice questions (MCQs), each with various numbers of stem answers. The questions cover a wide range of both cardiology and cardiovascular pharmacology and encompass both basic anatomy and physiology of the heart, through to advanced topics such as evidence-based medicine. The questions are supplemented at the back of the book with explanatory answers to aid further revision and study.

MRCP Cardiology MCQs (MasterPass)

File Size: 2 MB

C: Essential Lists of Differential Diagnoses for MRCP: with Diagnostic Hints (MasterPass) PDF:

Differential diagnosis texts for the MRCP can overload candidates with detailed information, making revision seem difficult and overwhelming. In contrast, this book avoids exhaustive lists of often rare causes and concentrates instead on a maximum of five of the most common causes in terms of prevalence for each scenario, making revision more structured and manageable. The book includes diagnostic hints – clinical or lab clues that point towards a specific diagnosis – and a unique chapter on key ECG causes and features. Although primarily intended for MRCP Part I & II and FCPS (Pakistan) Part II candidates, this book will also be useful for undergraduate students preparing for finals.

See also  Download BRS Complete Series (Download PDF)

Essential Lists of Differential Diagnoses for MRCP with Diagnostic Hints (MasterPass)

File Size: 6 MB

D: MRCP Part 2 Examination A Candidate’s Revision Notes:

Finding the time to revise effectively is one of the greatest challenges that modern MRCP candidates face. This unique book by a recent successful candidate provides precisely what many have needed but been unable to find until now: the distilled essential knowledge required to pass the MRCP Part 2 exam. This book provides candidates with a concise and well-directed approach to fast and efficient revision, supplying comprehensive coverage of the MRCP syllabus and the key points of each topic. It stands apart from other MRCP revision resources in supplying both concise text and the essential lists needed to pass the Part 2 exam.

MRCP Part 2 Examination A Candidate's Revision Notes

File Size: 2 MB

2: Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP Part 2. PDF

This book is an invaluable resource with 400 self-assessment cases and data interpretation questions covering all aspects of internal medicine. It has great breadth of coverage, superb illustration, lively presentation, precise answers and detailed discussion.

Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP Part 2

File Size: 8 MB

3: A Guide to the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper 2Ed (Hodder Arnold Publication) 2nd Edition

Trainees in preparation for the MRCP examination will welcome the much-anticipated new edition of this ‘gold standard’ revision book. Revised and updated throughout to encompass new developments in medical diagnostics and therapeutics, and restructured to reflect the recent changes in the format of the Part 2 written examination, the book continues to offer a more detailed and examination-orientated approach than other revision guides on the market. The appeal of the book lies not only in the careful adherence to the examination format, but also in the invaluable hints it provides on exam technique, with suggestions of information that will be helpful when tackling the exam presented in a ‘revision-friendly’ boxed format.

A Guide to the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper 2Ed (Hodder Arnold Publication) 2nd Edition

File Size: 4 MB 

4: Complete Data Interpretation for the MRCP, 1 Edition by S. Hughes: 

A book of approximately 100 questions based on the interpretation of data from all the commonly used tests in clinical medicine. The questions will be ordered by system and within that by test; for example, the respiratory system questions are based on lung function and flow-volume curves. The book’s unique feature is that it will be fully comprehensive, including examples (questions) on all the conditions that can be diagnosed using each particular investigation.

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File Size: 21 MB

5: Get Through Radiology for MRCP Part 2 1st Edition: 

For the MRCP Part 2 exam, candidates need to be able to interpret radiological images of commonly encountered conditions. They also increasingly need to be able to answer other questions about the condition shown in the image, for example treatment and prognosis. This book has been designed to meet that need.

It is divided into five sections: chest, abdomen, nervous system, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. Each condition described is illustrated by one or two high quality radiological images and then provides a concise but holistic view of the condition, with all the important aspects of disease that the candidate will be expected to know. This information is supplemented by a short series of example exam questions.

File Size: 2 MB

6: MRCP 2 Practice Papers: Case Histories, Data Interpretations and Photographic Material:

The MRCP Part 2 Examination is increasingly orientated around evidence-based medicine, up-to-date patient management and current guidelines. This is a move away from the esoteric questions seen in the past and it makes a more useful exam. This book combines the three sections of the exam; case histories, data interpretations and photographic material, to give candidates all round practice.

File Size: 14 MB

7: Neurology Best Of five Scenarios for MRCP part II:


File Size: 74 KB

8: Philip Kelly MRCP 2 book 1. Pdf

This new 3-book series from PasTest covers the entire MRCP Part 2 syllabus and offers candidates essential practise at popular questions for the Part 2 examination. The series covers cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology & metabolism, gastroenterology, haematology, infectious diseases, neurology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, renal medicine, respiratory medicine, and rheumatology. Each title features frequently asked questions that encompass the 3 elements of the Part 2 examination – Data, History and Imaging.

File Size: 20 MB 

9: Philip Kelly MRCP 2 book 2 Pdf: 

File Size: 17 MB


10: Philip Kelly MRCP 2 book 3. Pdf


File Size: 20 MB 

11: Revise for MRCP part 2 (written) in 5 Days

The ebook is intended as a quick revision for busy SHOs and foundation doctors who are preparing for their MRCP part 2 (written). This concise ebook offers bullet point facts as they appear in the actual exam paper based on themes from past examination papers. The topics are randomly set to mimic the random nature of MRCP examination questions. Whether you are prepared for the exam and would like a quick revision, or you are running short of time you will find the book very useful and straight to the point. The fact that it’s an ebook means that it’s easily accessible to busy doctors while they are on duty or oncall shifts, whether they are using their AMAZON KINDLE, IPAD, IPHONE, or PCs. The book may also be useful for registrars who would like to refresh their memory on MRCP topics.

See also  Best Books for MRCP PACES (Download Free with Direct Links)

File Size: 337 KB

So these were The Books you will need for MRCP Part 2 Exam.

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