Download BRS Complete Series (Download PDF)

Today we will share stuff related to Medical Books. We will share famous Board Review Series, which will contain complete series. We will share here the links where you will be able to download all these Books.

1: BRS Physiology (Board Review Series) : 

Table of Content:

  1. Cell physiology- Everything about the cell and basics of life.
  2. NeuroPhysiology- About the function of Nervous system in human body  and sensory and motor physiology.
  3. Cardiovascular physiology- This chapter is about Human heart, circulatory system and their functions and clinical problems.
  4. Respiratory Physiology- This chapter is about the human respiratory system, its components, functions and disorders/diseases.
  5. Renal and Acid-Base physiology- About acid-base balance and role of kidney in human body.
  6. GIT physiology. It is about gastro intestinal functions i.e its motility, secretions, digestion and absorption.
  7. Endocrinology. This chapter is about the study of function of various harmones in human body.

BRS Physiology
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2: BRS Pharmacology(Board Review Series) 6th Edition: 

Table of Contents:

1. General Principles of Drug Action 1
I. Dose–Response Relationships 1
II. Drug Absorption 6
III. Drug Distribution 10
IV. Drug Elimination and Termination of Action 11
V. Biotransformation (Metabolism) of Drugs 12
VI. Excretion of Drugs 15
VII. Pharmacokinetics 16
Review Test 20

2. Drugs Acting on the Autonomic
Nervous System 27
I. The Peripheral Efferent Nervous System 27
II. Parasympathomimetic Drugs 32
III. Muscarinic-Receptor Antagonists 37
IV. Ganglion-Blocking Drugs 39
V. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants 39
VI. Sympathomimetic Drugs 43
VII. Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists 48
Review Test 53

3. Drugs Acting on the Renal System 61
I. Diuretics 61
II. Nondiuretic Inhibitors of Tubular Transport 67
Review Test 69

4. Drugs Acting on the Cardiovasc ular System 73
I. Agents Used to Treat Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 73
II. Antiarrhythmic Drugs 79
III. Antianginal Agents 85
IV. Antihypertensive Drugs 87
V. Drugs that Lower Plasma Lipids 92
Review Test 96

5. Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System 101
I. Sedative–Hypnotic Drugs 101
II. Antipsychotic (Neuroleptic) Drugs 106
III. Antidepressant Drugs 109
IV. Lithium and Anticonvulsants Used to Treat Bipolar Disorder 114
V. Opioid Analgesics and Antagonists 116
VI. Antiparkinsonian Drugs and Drugs Used to Treat Alzheimer Disease 122
VII. Antiepileptic Drugs 125
VIII. General Anesthetics 129
IX. Local Anesthetics 134
X. Drugs of Abuse 136
Review Test 146

6. Autocoids, Ergots, Anti-inflammator y
Agents, and Immunosuppressive Agents 151
I. Histamine and Antihistamines 151
II. Serotonin and Serotonin Antagonists 154
III. Ergots 156
IV. Eicosanoids 158
V. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) 160
VI. Drugs Used for Gout 169
VII. Immunosuppressive Agents 170
Review Test 175

7. Drugs Used in Anemia and Disorders
of Hemostasis 179
I. Drugs Used in the Treatment of Anemias 179
II. Drugs Acting on Myeloid Cells 183
III. Drugs Used in Hemostatic Disorders 184
Review Test 192

8. Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract 197
I. Antiemetics 197
II. Anorexigenics and Appetite Enhancers 198
III. Agents Used for Upper GI Tract Disorders 199
IV. Prokinetic Agents 203
V. Drugs Used to Dissolve Gallstones 203
VI. Digestive Enzyme Replacements 203
VII. Agents that Act on the Lower GI Tract 203
Review Test 208

9. Drugs Acting on the Pulmonary System 212
I. Introduction to Pulmonary Disorders 212
II. Agents Used to Treat Asthma and Other Bronchial
Disorders 213
III. Drugs Used to Treat Rhinitis and Cough 219
Review Test 221

10. Drugs Acting on the Endocrine System 224
I. Hormone Receptors 224
II. The Hypothalamus 224
III. The Anterior Pituitary 228
IV. The Posterior Pituitary 230
V. Drugs Acting on the Gonadal and Reproductive System 232
VI. The Adrenal Cortex 241
VII. The Thyroid 245
VIII. The Pancreas and Glucose Homeostasis 247
IX. The Calcium Homeostatic System 253
X. Retinoic Acid and Derivatives 256
Review Test 260

11. Drugs Used in Treat ment of Infectious Diseases 263
I. Infectious Disease Therapy 263
II. Antibacterials 264
III. Antimycobacterial Agents 277
IV. Antifungal Agents 280
V. Antiparasitic Drugs 282
VI. Antiviral Drugs 287
Review Test 294

12. Cancer Chemotherapy 299
I. Principles of Cancer Chemotherapy 299
II. Alkylating Agents (selected) 300
III. Antimetabolites (selected) 304
IV. Natural Products 307
V. Miscellaneous Agents 309
VI. Steroid Hormone Agonists and Antagonists and Related Drugs 311
VII. Adjunct Agents 313
Review Test 315

13. Toxicology 320
I. Principles and Terminology 320
II. Air Pollutants 322
III. Solvents 324
IV. Insecticides and Herbicides 325
V. Heavy Metal Poisoning and Management 326
VI. Drug Poisoning 329
Review Test 331

BRS Pharmacology(Board Review Series) 6th Edition

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3: BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 6th Edition 2014 PDF: 

Table of Contents

1. Fuel Metabolism and Nutrition: Basic Principles 1
I. Metabolic Fuels and Dietary Components 1
II. The Fed or Absorptive State 5
III. Fasting 7
IV. Prolonged Fasting (Starvation) 9
Review Test 11

2. Ba sic Aspects of Biochemistry: Organic Chemistry,
Acid–Base Chemistry, Amino Acids, Protein
Structure and Function, and Enzyme Kinetics 19
I. A Brief Review of Organic Chemistry 19
II. Acids, Bases, and Buffers 20
III. Amino Acids and Peptide Bonds 22
IV. Protein Structure 25
V. Enzymes 34
Review Test 39

3. G ene Expression (Transcription), Synthesis of
Proteins (Translation), and Regulation of Gene
Expression 51
I. Nucleic Acid Structure 52
II. Synthesis of DNA (Replication) 58
III. Synthesis of RNA (Transcription) 66
IV. Protein Synthesis (Translation of mRNA) 70
V. Regulation of Protein Synthesis 77
VI. Recombinant DNA and Medicine 86
Review Test 95

4. C ell Biology, Signal Transduction, and
the Molecular Biology of Cancer 109
I. Compartmentation in Cells; Cell Biology and Biochemistry 110
II. Cell Signaling by Chemical Messengers 116
III. The Molecular Biology of Cancer 125
IV. Cancer and Apoptosis 131
V. Cancer Requires Multiple Mutations 133
VI. Viruses and Human Cancer 133
Review Test 134

5. G eneration of ATP from Metabolic Fuels and
Oxygen Toxicity 145
I. Bioenergetics 145
II. Properties of Adenosine Triphosphate 147
III. Electron Carriers and Vitamins 148
IV. TCA Cycle 154
V. Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation 159
VI. Oxygen Toxicity and Free-Radical Injury 164
Review Test 170

6. Car bohydrate Metabolism 181
I. Carbohydrate Structure 181
II. Proteoglycans, Glycoproteins, and Glycolipids 185
III. Digestion of Carbohydrates 188
IV. Glycogen Structure and Metabolism 190
V. Glycolysis 197
VI. Gluconeogenesis 204
VII. Fructose and Galactose Metabolism 209
VIII. Pentose Phosphate Pathway 212
IX. Maintenance of Blood Glucose Levels 215
Review Test 220

7. Lipid and Ethanol Metabolism 230
I. Lipid Structure 232
II. Membranes 234
III. Digestion of Dietary Triacylglycerol 235
IV. Fatty Acid and Triacylglycerol Synthesis 237
V. Formation of Triacylglycerol Stores in Adipose Tissue 242
VI. Cholesterol and Bile Salt Metabolism 243
VII. Blood Lipoproteins 246
VIII. Fate of Adipose Triacylglycerols 251
IX. Fatty Acid Oxidation 252
X. Ketone Body Synthesis and Utilization 257
XI. Phospholipid and Sphingolipid Metabolism 259
XII. Metabolism of the Eicosanoids 262
XIII. Ethanol Metabolism 264
Review Test 268

8. N itrogen Metabolism–Amino Acids, Purines,
Pyrimidines, and Products Derived from
Amino Acids 279
I. Protein Digestion and Amino Acid Absorption 280
II. Addition and Removal of Amino Acid Nitrogen 282
III. Urea Cycle 284
IV. Synthesis and Degradation of Amino Acids 286
V. Interrelationships of Various Tissues in Amino Acid Metabolism 294
VI. Tetrahydrofolate, Vitamin B12, and S-Adenosylmethionine 298
VII. Special Products Derived from Amino Acids 302
Review Test 313

9. Molecular Endocrinology and An Overview of
Tissue Metabolism 325
I. Synthesis of Hormones 325
II. General Mechanisms of Hormone Action (Only a Summary is
Provided here as this has Already
Been Covered in Chapter 4.) 329
III. Regulation of Hormone Levels 329
IV. Actions of Specific Hormones 330
V. Biochemical Functions of Tissues 339
Review Test 350

10. H uman Genetics—An Introduction 359
I. Mendelian Inheritance Patterns 360
II. Genes 360
III. Mutations 361
IV. Inheritance Patterns 362
V. A Summary of Inheritance Patterns is given in Table 10.1. 367
VI. Cytogenetics 367
VII. Population Genetics 372
VIII. Multifactorial Diseases (Complex Traits) 372
IX. Triplet Repeat Expansions 373
X. Imprinting 374
XI. The Genetics of Tumor Suppressors 376
Review Test 378

BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 6th Edition

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4: BRS Cell Biology and Histology 7th Edition PDF:

Table of Contents

I. Overview-The Plasma Membrane (Plasmalemma; Cell Membrane) 1
I I . Fluid Mosaic Model of the Plasma Membrane 1
I l l . Plasma Membrane Transport Processes 5
IV. Cell-to-Cell Communication 7
V. Plasmalemma-Cytoskeleton Association 9
Review Test 12

I. Overview- The Nucleus 15
I I . Nuclear Envelope 15
I l l . Nucleolus 18
IV. Nucleoplasm 18
v. Chromatin 19
VI. Chromosomes 20
IX. Cell Cycle 25
X. Apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death)
XI. Meiosis 29
Review Test 31

I. Overview-The Cytoplasm 33
I I . Structural Components 33
I l l . Interactions among Organelles 49
Review Test 58

I . Overview-The Extracellular Matrix 61
I I . Ground Substance 61
I l l . Fibers 64
Review Test 72

I . Overview-Epithelia 75
I I . Lateral Epithelial Surfaces 77
I l l . Basal Epithelial Surfaces 80
IV. Apical Epithelial Surfaces 83
v. Glands 87
Review Test 89

I . Overview-Connective Tissue 92
I I . Extracellular Matrix 92
I l l . Connective Tissue Cells 93
IV. Classification of Connective Tissue 99
Review Test 1 03

I . Overview-Cartilage 106
I I . Overview-Bone llO
I l l . Joints 120
Review Test 1 21

8. MUSCLE 124
I . Overview-Muscle 124
I I . Structure o f Skeletal Muscle 124
I l l . Contraction o f Skeletal Muscle 130
IV. Innervation of Skeletal Muscle 132
v. Cardiac Muscle 133
VI. Smooth Muscle 135
VI I . Contractile Nonmuscle Cells 139
Review Test 1 40

I. Overview-Nervous System 143
I I . Histogenesis o f the Nervous System 143
I l l . Cells o f Nervous System 145
IV. Synapses 151
v. Nerve Fibers 152
VI. Nerves 153
VII. Ganglia 155
VIII. Histophysiology of Nervous System 155
IX. Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System
X. Central Nervous System 158
XI. Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve Tissue 160
Review Test 162

I. Overview-Blood 166
I I . Blood Constituents 166
I l l . Blood Coagulation 172
IV. Bone Marrow 17 4
V. Prenatal Hemopoiesis 175
VI. Postnatal Hemopoiesis 175
VII. Hemopoietic Growth Factors (CSFS) 179
Review Test 181

I. Overview-Blood Vascular System 184
I I . Overview-Lymphatic Vascular System 195
Review Test 196

I. Overview-The Lymphoid (Immune) System 199
I I . Cells of the Immune System 201
I l l . Antigen Presentation and the Role of MHC Molecules 209
IV. Immunoglobulins 210
V. Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue 211
VI. Lymphoid Organs 212
Review Test 218

I. Overview-The Endocrine System 221
I I . Hormones 221
I l l . Overview-Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) and Hypothalamus 222
IV. Overview-Thyroid Gland 228
V. Parathyroid Glands 232
VI. Overview-Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands 234
VI I . Pineal Gland (Pineal Body, Epiphysis) 237
Review Test 239

14. SKIN
I . Overview-The Skin 242
I I . Epidermis 242
I l l . Dermis 248
IV. Glands in the Skin 249
v. Hair, Hair Follicle, and Arrector Pili Muscle 251
VI. Nails 252
Review Test 254

I. Overview-The Respiratory System 257
I I . Conducting Portion of the Respiratory System 257
I l l . Overview-Respiratory Portion of the Respiratory System 262
IV. Lung Lobules 269
V. Pulmonary Vascular Supply 269
VI. Pulmonary Nerve Supply 269
Review Test 270

I. Overview-The Digestive System 273
I I . Oral Region 273
I l l . Divisions of the Alimentary Canal 278
IV. Digestion and Absorption 289
Review Test 291

I. Overview-Extrinsic Glands of the Digestive System 294
I I . Major Salivary Glands 294
I l l . Overview-Pancreas 296
IV. Liver 299
V. Gallbladder 304
Review Test 306

I. Overview-The Urinary System 309
I I . Kidneys 309
I l l . Uriniferous Tubules 310
IV. Renal Blood Circulation 320
V. Regulation of Urine Concentration 321
VI. Excretory Passages 324
Review Test 327

I. Overview-Female Reproductive System 330
I I . Ovaries 330
I l l . Oviducts (Fallopian Tubes) 338
IV. Uterus 339
V. Cervix 341
VI. Fertilization and Implantation 342
VII. Placenta 343
VIII. Vagina 345
IX. External Genitalia (Vulva) 345
X. Mammary Glands 346
Review Test 348

I. Overview-Male Reproductive System 350
I I . Testes 350
I l l . Genital Ducts 357
IV. Accessory Genital Glands 359
V. Urethra 361
VI. Penis 362
Review Test 363

I. Overview-Special Sense Receptors 366
I I . Specialized Diffuse Receptors 366
I l l . Sense of Sight-Eye 368
IV. Sense of Hearing-Ear (Vestibulocochlear Apparatus) 378
Review Test 384

Comprehensive Examination 387
Index 405

BRS Cell Biology and Histology 7th Edition

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See also  Download AMC Handbook of multiple choice questions MCQ PDF


5: BRS Embryology 6th Edition PDF: 

Table of Contents

I. Sexual Reproduction 1
II. Chromosomes 1
III. Meiosis 2
IV. Oogenesis: Female Gametogenesis 2
V. Spermatogenesis: Male Gametogenesis 4
VI. Clinical Considerations 4
Study Questions for Chapter 1 8
Answers and Explanations 10

I. Fertilization 12
II. Cleavage and Blastocyst Formation 13
III. Implantation 14
IV. Clinical Considerations 14
Study Questions for Chapter 2 15
Answers and Explanations 17

I. Further Development of the Embryoblast 18
II. Further Development of the Trophoblast 18
III. Development of Extraembryonic Mesoderm 20
IV. Clinical Considerations 20
Study Questions for Chapter 3 22
Answers and Explanations 24

I. General Considerations 26
II. Further Development of the Embryoblast 26
III. Vasculogenesis (De Novo Blood Vessel Formation) 28
IV. Hematopoiesis (Blood Cell Formation) 31
V. Clinical Considerations 31
Study Questions for Chapter 4 33
Answers and Explanations 35

I. Formation of Heart Tube 37
II. Primitive Heart Tube Dilations 37
III. The Aorticopulmonary Septum 39
IV. The Atrial Septum 41
V. The Atrioventricular Septum 43
VI. The Interventricular Septum 45
VII. The Conduction System of the Heart 46
VIII. Coronary Arteries 47
IX. Development of the Arterial System 47
X. Development of the Venous System 49
Study Questions for Chapter 5 50
Answers and Explanations 53

I. Formation of the Placenta 55
II. Placental Components: Decidua Basalis
and Villous Chorion 55
III. Placental Membrane 58
IV. The Placenta as an Endocrine Organ 59
V. The Umbilical Cord 60
VI. Circulatory System of the Fetus 60
VII. Amniotic Fluid 62
VIII. Twinning 62
IX. Clinical Considerations 65
Study Questions for Chapter 6 68
Answers and Explanations 70

I. Overview 71
II. Development of the Neural Tube 71
III. Neural Crest Cells 73
IV. Placodes 75
V. Vesicle Development of the Neural Tube 75
VI. Histogenesis of the Neural Tube 76
VII. Layers of the Early Neural Tube 78
VIII. Development of the Spinal Cord 78
IX. Development of the Myelencephalon 79
X. Development of the Metencephalon 80
XI. Development of the Mesencephalon 81
XII. Development of the Diencephalon, Optic Structures,
and Hypophysis 82
XIII. Development of the Telencephalon 83
XIV. Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System 85
XV. Development of the Parasympathetic Nervous System 85
XVI. Development of the Cranial Nerves 86
XVII. Development of the Choroid Plexus 86
XVIII. Congenital Malformations of the Central Nervous System 87
Study Questions for Chapter 7 93
Answers and Explanations 96

8. EAR 98
I. Overview 98
II. The Internal Ear 98
III. The Membranous and Bony Labyrinths 100
IV. Middle Ear 100
V. External Ear 101
VI. Congenital Malformations of the Ear 101
Study Questions for Chapter 8 104
Answers and Explanations 105

9. EYE 106
I. Development of the Optic Vesicle 106
II. Development of other Eye Structures 109
III. Congenital Malformations of the Eye 110
Study Questions for Chapter 9 113
Answers and Explanations 114

I. Overview 115
II. Derivatives of the Foregut 115
III. Derivatives of the Midgut 123
IV. Derivatives of the Hindgut 127
V. Anal Canal 130
VI. Mesenteries 130
Study Questions for Chapter 10 131
Answers and Explanations 133

I. Upper Respiratory System 134
II. Lower Respiratory System 134
Study Questions for Chapter 11 142
Answers and Explanations 143

I. Pharyngeal Apparatus 144
II. Development of the Thyroid Gland 144
III. Development of the Tongue 146
IV. Development of the Face 147
V. Development of the Palate 148
VI. Development of the Mouth 149
VII. Development of the Nasal Cavities 149
VIII. Clinical Considerations 150
Study Questions for Chapter 12 153
Answers and Explanations 154

I. Overview 155
II. Development of the Metanephros 155
III. Relative Ascent of the Kidneys 156
IV. Blood Supply of the Kidneys 157
V. Development of the Urinary Bladder 158
VI. Development of the Female Urethra 159
VII. Development of the Male Urethra 160
VIII. Clinical Considerations 160
IX. Development of the Suprarenal Gland 164
Study Questions for Chapter 13 167
Answers and Explanations 168

I. The Indifferent Embryo 169
II. Development of the Gonads 169
III. Development of the Genital Ducts 171
IV. Development of the Primordia of External Genitalia 173
V. Tanner Stages of Female Sexual Development 174
VI. Clinical Considerations 174
Study Questions for Chapter 14 178
Answers and Explanations 179

I. The Indifferent Embryo 180
II. Development of the Gonads 180
III. Development of the Genital Ducts 182
IV. Development of the Primordia of External Genitalia 184
V. Tanner Stages of Male Sexual Development 184
VI. Clinical Considerations 184
VII. Summary 189
Study Questions for Chapter 15 190
Answers and Explanations 191

I. Skin 192
II. Hair and Nails 196
III. Mammary, Sweat, and Sebaceous Glands 199
IV. Teeth 201
Study Questions for Chapter 16 203
Answers and Explanations 204

I. Skull 205
II. Vertebral Column 209
III. Ribs 214
IV. Sternum 214
V. Bones of the Limbs and Limb Girdles 214
VI. Osteogenesis 215
VII. General Skeletal Abnormalities 215
Study Questions for Chapter 17 218
Answers and Explanations 219

I. Skeletal Muscle 220
II. Smooth Muscle 221
III. Cardiac Muscle 222
IV. Clinical Considerations 222
Study Questions for Chapter 18 224
Answers and Explanations 225

19. UPPER LIMB 226
I. Overview of Development 226
II. Vasculature 226
III. Musculature 228
IV. Nerves: The Brachial Plexus 228
V. Rotation of the Upper Limb 229
VI. Skeletal 229
Study Questions for Chapter 19 231
Answers and Explanations 232

20. LOWER LIMB 233
I. Overview of Development 233
II. Vasculature 233
III. Musculature 235
IV. Nerves: The Lumbosacral Plexus 235
V. Rotation of the Lower Limb 236
VI. Skeletal 237
Study Questions for Chapter 20 239
Answers and Explanations 240

I. Formation of the Intraembryonic Coelom 241
II. Partitioning of the Intraembryonic Coelom 241
III. Positional Changes of the Diaphragm 242
IV. Clinical Considerations 243
Study Questions for Chapter 21 244
Answers and Explanations 245

I. Endocrinology of Pregnancy 246
II. Pregnancy Dating 247
III. Pregnancy Milestones 247
IV. Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures 248
V. Fetal Distress During Labor (Intrapartum) 249
VI. The Apgar Score 249
VII. Puerperium 250
VIII. Lactation 250
IX. Small-for-Gestational Age (SGA) Infant 250
X. Collection and Storage of Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) 251
Study Questions for Chapter 22 252
Answers and Explanations 253

I. Introduction 254
II. Infectious Agents 254
III. Torch Infections 256
IV. Childhood Vaccinations 258
V. Category X Drugs (Absolute Contraindication In Pregnancy) 258
VI. Category D Drugs (Definite Evidence of Risk to Fetus) 259
VII. Chemical Agents 260
VIII. Recreational Drugs 261
IX. Ionizing Radiation 261

Study Questions for Chapter 23 262
Answers and Explanations 263
Comprehensive Examination 264
Answers and Explanations 272
Credits 279
Index 287

BRS Embryology 6th Edition

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6: BRS Behavioral Science 7th Edition PDF: 

He Board Review Series” (BRS) is aimed at providing basic knowledge as it relates to clinical situations and is used primarily by medical students studying for the United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE). “BRS Behavioral Science” covers material on this subject that is addressed on USMLE Step 1. Previous editions of this volume have been quite popular with medical students. As in its previous editions, “BRS Behavioral Science” is written in outline format to provide an efficient method of studying Behavioral Science for USMLE. A major focus of books in the “BRS” series is to provide experience to students in answering USMLE-style questions. To this end, the book contains over 700 such questions with accompanying annotated answers. An exam follows each chapter and a Comprehensive Exam is included at the end of the book.

BRS Behavioral Science 7th Edition

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