Download Best 10 Books for USMLE Step 1 PDF Free (Recommended by People who Passed)

Download Best 10 Books for USMLE Step 1 PDF Free (Recommended by People who Passed)

In the series of USMLE, today we will share the list of Recommended Books which you will need to clear USMLE Step 1 and the links to Download these books in PDF format.

There so many Lists of Books given for USMLE Step 1 preparation on web but we will share the list which is recommended by people who have cleared their exam of Step 1.

Let me share the list:

These are Top Ten Books for USMLE Step 1:

1. First Aid for the USMLE Step 1:

This book is of great source for USMLE Step 1 candidates. Very comprehensive book which will cover most of your Basic Subjects. Kaplan Book should also be done along with USMLE Step 1.

2. BRS Physiology:

Board Review Series is always among the best books for medical exams, so BRS Physiology is no exception. A great understanding of physiology will help answer the difficult Step 1 questions. You should read the physiology text for one organ system, then the pathology text and First Aid for the same, this way you can prepare well for that system.

3. BRS Pathology:

For Step 1 is a pathology two most commonly used books are

  • BRS Pathology
  • Goljan’s Rapid Review Pathology
    BRS Pathology mostly focused on simple and clear text.  You should go through both books before deciding which one you will use.
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4: Rapid Review Pathology:

One of famous pathology review text for Step 1 is Rapid Review Pathology. This book is written by Dr. Goljan of “Goljan Lectures” fame. The content is similar to the BRS Pathology text but the delivery is quite different. This text is more visually appealing with colors, images, and many tables.

5: MicroCards:

Flashcards will always provide you a nice break from question banks and books. MicroCards have a tons of information. It may seem like some of the information is superfluous, but after taking the exam you will realize that many Step 1 questions ask very specific questions about bacterial anatomy and antibiotic targets. So you should not skip this Book.

6: PharmCards:

Another set of flashcards that you can use on the go. Like MicroCards, these cards have a ton of information. However, you will be asked some very specific questions. One example is mechanism of action of ethosuximide.

7: High Yield Biostatistics:

You should cover Biostat/epidemiology coz this small category is tested on Step 1. There can be approx. 10-15 questions on these topic. The High Yield book is quick and easy; you can get through it in just a few hours. Don’t go into the test without knowing all forms of bias and all calculations of a two-by-two table.

8: BRS Behavioral Science:

The behavioral sciences will also take up at least 5-10 of your Step 1 questions. This subject is hard to study but you must find a way to do it. There are a few books options in this category, the great asset of the BRS book are about 15-20 questions at the end of each chapter.

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9: First Aid Cases for USMLE Step 1:

The First Aid case book is very good and highly recommended by students who have cleared exam of step 1. It can help you pick up a few questions. One more source is Kaplan’s USMLE Step 1 QBook which provide with great distraction of texts and computer questions.

10: USMLE Step 1 Secrets:

This Book can be foundation for you. As the book states in its Preface, it is not a stand-alone resource. The book aims to add clinical context to the data you will glean from texts and First Aid.

So these were the list of Books for all those appearing in exam of USMLE Step 1, you should have these in your study library.

Now in this part of article we will share you the link where you will be able to download these Books in Pdf Format.

Download Links Given Below:

1. Download First Aid for the USMLE Step 1

2. Download BRS Physiology

3. Download BRS Pathology

4: Download Rapid Review Pathology

5: Download MicroCards 

6: Download PharmCards

7: Download High Yield Biostatistics

8: Download BRS Behavioral Science

9: Download First Aid Cases for USMLE Step 1

10: Download USMLE Step 1 Secrets


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See also  Download Case files Anesthesiology PDF Free

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