Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd Edition PDF Download (Direct Link)

Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd Edition PDF Download (Direct Link)

The easiest and most trusted way to learn the clinical application of pharmacokinetics


This is an important reference that teaches clinically relevant pharmacokinetic dosing and therapeutic drug monitoring tools. This second edition includes updated information on dosing immunosuppressants, as well as dosing concepts in pediatric and hemodialysis patients. The book is intended as an instructive tool in pharmacokinetics for healthcare practitioners who wish to learn these concepts and apply them in their clinical practice. The book satisfies its objectives, outlining important pharmacokinetic concepts in an organized and easy to understand fashion. It is also written by a pharmacist with extensive experience in pharmacokinetics and includes clinically pertinent pearls for individual drugs.
This second edition succeeds at providing updated information on pharmacokinetic concepts. The book presents information in a manner that allows readers to teach themselves about pharmacokinetic dosing and to update their knowledge about clinically relevant concepts for the medications. These concepts are critical because medications are far too often dosed without individual patient characteristics (weight, age, concomitant medications) in mind. It is important to individualize dosing based on pharmacokinetic methods, to monitor levels, and to adjust subsequent dosing based on peaks, troughs, renal, and hepatic function. — Doodys

The most current, hands-on book in the field, Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics gives you clear and useful coverage of drug dosing and drug monitoring that no other text can match. It offers the latest standardized techniques and approaches to patient-specific dosing plus new information on more recent pharmacokinetically monitored drugs.

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Written by a nationally recognized authority in pharmacokinetics, Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics provides essential information covered in pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, therapeutics, and clinical pharmacy courses. It can be also be used as a clinical refresher to brush up on key concepts and procedures.


  • NEW! High-yield sections on dosing strategies in all chapters
  • NEW! Up-to-date, ready-to-use information on monitored drugs
  • Valuable coverage of drug dosing in special populations, including patients with renal and hepatic disease, obesity, and congestive heart failure and patients on dialysis
  • All the information that you need on drug categories such as antibiotics, cardiovascular agents, anticonvulsants, and immunosuppressants
  • Tools that simplify learning throughout, such as an introductory chapter on clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic concepts, examples of calculations, and problems with answers and explanations at the end of each chapter

Basic Knowledge of Pharmacology 1st Edition PDF Download

Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd Edition PDF Download

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Here’s the cover image preview of Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd Edition :

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