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Forensic Medicine MCQs Download Free

101. In poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, nitrates are given in order to:
a. Reduce cyanide
b. Induce vasodilatation
c. Produce methaemoglobin
d. Oxidise cyanide

102. After skin contamination, the patient passed into coma with miosis and finally acute nephritis, the poison is:
a. Oxalic acid
b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrocyanic acid
d. Carbolic acid

103. The dose of Na thiosulphate for treatment of cyanide poisoning in children is:
a. 112.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min.
b. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min
c. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 2 min
d. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 5 min

104. An old traffic policeman in a busy street of Cairo is liable to suffer from:
a.  Spastic gait
b. Tremors
c. Masked face
d. Wrist and ankle drop

105. Blue line in the gingival margin in case of lead poisoning is due to deposition of:
a. Lead chromate
b. Lead sulphide
c. Lead subacetate
d. Lead iodide

106. In iron poisoning, bloody vomiting and diarrhea, massive fluid loss in GIT, renal failure and death occur in:
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4

107. The specific antidote in case of iron poisoning is:
a. DMSA.
b. Deferoxamine
c. EDTA.
d. Penicillamine

108. Acute toxicity of organophosphates causes:
a. Urine retention
b. Oliguria
c. Urine incontinence
d. Anuria

109. Prolonged prothrombin time occurs in cases of poisoning with:
a. Parathion
b. Warfarin
c. Paraquat
d. Zinc sulphide

110. The second stage of acute acetaminophen toxicity is characterized by:
a. Abnormalities of liver function tests
b. Bleeding tendencies due to coagulation defect
c. Nausea and malaise
d. Right upper quadrant pain and tenderness

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111. Which of the following is specific antidote for acute acetaminophen toxicity:
a. BAL
b. Mucomyst

112. Benzodiazepines act on the CNS through the following mechanism:
a. Increasing catecholamines
b. Increasing serotonin
c. Increasing the activity of GABA
d. Decreasing the activity of GABA

113. In case of foodborne botulism, the toxin is:
a. Formed in the duodenum
b. Formed in the colon
c. Formed in the intestine
d. Formed in the canned food before consumption

114. A 4 year old boy accidentally ingested a clear fluid, vomited twice then started to cough with tachypnea, 24 hours later he developed fever of 39 °C due to bronchopneumonia. The possible diagnosis is:
a. Phenol toxicity
b. Kerosene toxicity
c. Ethanol toxicity
d. Methanol toxicity

115. MAcEwen’s sign is a manifestation of massive intake of:
a. Atropine
b. Opium
c. Methanol
d. Ethanol

116. One of the following manifestations is an indication of severe ethanol intoxication:
a. Euphoria and sense of well-being
b. Marked muscular incoordination
c. Increased confidence
d. Aggressive behaviour

117. In case of acute CO poisoning, coma and death with lively red colour occur at a carboxy haemoglobin level of:
a. 10-20%
b. 20-30%
c. 30-40%
d. 50- 60 %

118. Pathological jealousy is diagnostic of:
a. Cocaine intoxication
b. Cannabis intoxication
c. Alcoholic intoxication
d. Tobacco intoxication

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