Errata of ASIM & SHOAIB (GYNAE & OBS.) [Review and Download]

789. Antenatal care helps in reducing
a. postnatal mortality
b. neonatal mortality
c. Postnatal morbidity
d. Congenital malformations
e. Gestational amenorrhea

793. Antenatal care:
a. Oral iron should be given as soon as patient missed her periods
b. pelvic examination should be done on first visit
c. Pelvic assessment should be done at 32 weeks
d. Tetanus toxoid should be given in 4 doses every 4 weeks from 22 weeks of pregnancy
e. Hb. And urine D/R should be done on each visit


4. Omphalocele occurs due to failure of the bowel to return to the body cavity from its physiological
herniation during the following weeks
a. 11th – 13th week
b. 14th – 16th week
c. 17th – 20th week
d. 5th – 6 th week
e. 6th – 10th week

6. The most common cause of gram negative infection in a patient with septic shock is the infection in
a. biliary tract
b. Colon
c. Small bowel
d. Tracheobronchial tree
e. Urinary tract

51. When no specific factor VIII concentrate available the next best source of factor VIII is
a. Albumin infusion
b. Cryoprecipitate
c. Packed cells
d. Platelet concentrate
e. Whole blood

122. The most important microscopic diagnostic criteria for premalignant lesions is
a. Enlargement of cells
b. High N.C ratio
c. mitotic figures
d. Pleomorphism
e. Presence of the nucleolus

132. One of the following not parasites transmitted by faecal oral route is
a. Entamoeba histolytica
b. Enterobius vermicularis
c. Giardia lamblia
d. trichinella spiralis
e. Troichuria trichuris

141. Following immunoglubulins are transferres from material to fetal circulation except
a. Ig A
b. Ig D
c. Ig E
d. Ig G
e. Ig M

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157. One of the following is not a tumor markers
a. Alpha-fetoprotein
b. CEA (carcino-embryonic antigen)
c. HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin)
d. PLAP (placental alkaline phosphate)
e. Prostatic acid phosphatase

162. One of the following condition is not in klinefelter’s syndrome
a. A lower incidence of mental retardation
b. A male phenotype
c. A raised urinary excretion of pituitary gonadotrophin
d. Gonadal dysgenesis
e. More than one X chromosome

167. Chronic inflammation results from
a. Acute inflammation in which the causative agents persist
b. Auto immune reaction
c. Infection by intracellular microorganisms
d. Persistent infection by organisms of low virulence
e. Repetitive bouts of acute inflammation

212. A 65 year old female had chronic obstructive airway disease. She develops fever and later on
septicemia due to salmonella infection. Her acid-base profile revealed pH 7.37 (7.35-7.45), pco2 (mmHg)
48 (35-45), Hco3 (mmol/l) 30 (23-29) The most likely biochemical diagnosis is
a. Fully compensated respiratory acidosis
b. Metabolic acidosis with metabolic alkalosis
c. Metabolic acidosis with respiratory alkalosis
d. Respiratory acidosis with metabolic alkalosis
e. Respiratory acidosis with respiratory alkalosis

216. A known case of rheumatic mitral stenosis develop fever, Lassitude, Body ache after tooth
extraction. Doctor is suspecting subacute bacterial endocarditis. The most likely organism present in
blood culture would be
a. H. Influenza
b. Staphylococus aureus
c. Strept. Faecalis
d. Strept. Pneumonia
e. Strept. Viridans

229. A new born baby develop fever, fits, neck rigidity and head retraction. The CSF examination show
counts mostly neutrophyls. The most likely organism present in CSF culture would be
a. haemophilus influenza
b. Neisseria meningitis
c. Staphylococeus aureus
d. Streptococus agalactiae
e. Streptococus pneumoniae

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261. A 24 year female, six month pregnant, complains of generalized weakness and lethargy. Her Hb is 9.8 GM/dl , M.C.V. 58 FL and M.C.H 15 Peg. She probably has
a. Anaemia of chronic liver disease
b. folic acid deficiency
c. Iron-Deficiency anemia (WHY NOT ??)
d. Megaloblastic anemia
e. Thalassemia major

267. In true hermaphroditism, the genetic configuration is
a. XO
b. XX
c. XX/XY
d. XXY
e. XY

284. Pedigree analysis is essential in ascertaining some inherited disorders. The “Proband” is one of the following
a. The affected person who presents for medical attention
b. The offspring of the person who presents
c. The person who presents for medical attention, whether affected or unaffected
d. The suppose of the concerned individual
e. The unaffected parent who presents for medical attention

294. CD4+TH cells have at least two different profiles of cytokine production, TH1 and TH2. TH1
cytokines do not include
a. IL-12
b. IL-2
c. Interferon-gamma (IFN-Gamma)
d. Interleukin (IL-4)
e. Tumor necrosis factor beta (TNF-Beta)

322. 25 year old girl with fever and ESR 40 in operated for right adnexal mass. She is found to have right fallopian tube distorted and covulated round right ovary. During dissection it ruptured and white cheesy material came out. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Aqute salpingitis
b. Dermoid Cyst
c. Mucinous cyst adenoma
d. Pyosalpinx
e. tuberculos salpingitis

360. A woman was admitted in hospital suffering from puerpueral sepsis. The lochia was sent for
Bacteriological examination. The most likely organism for this sepsis is
a. Bacteroides
b. Candida albicans
c. Lacto bacillus
d. Mixed bacterial infection
e. Proteus mirabilis

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29. Propranolol differs from atenolol in having
a. Less membrane stability activity
b. Less first pass effects
c. Lesser lipid solubility
d. Equal effects on beta-1 and beta-2 receptors
e. More effects on periphery nervous system


12. Mole for mole..which of the following has greatest effect on Na excretion?
a. ANP
b. Aldosterone
c. Cortisol
d. Progesterone
e. Vasopressin

23. Stimulus increasing aldosterone secretion without affecting glucocorticoid secretion include
a. Anxiety
b. Haemorrhage
c. Low potassium intake
d. Physical trauma
e. Surgery

42. A 32 year old obese male complains of rapid heart rate, 9kg weight loss in 2 months and heat
intolerance. His pulse is 110/min Serum T4 is elevated. On questioning he admits that he is using
Thyroxine tablets to lose weight. The parameter which shows an increase is
a. Serum T3
b. Serum T4
c. Serum TSH
d. Serum free T3
e. Serum free T4

101. Development of Alveoli and lobules in the breast is primarily by
a. Cortisol
b. Estrogens
c. Human chorionic somatomamotropin
d. Progesterone
e. Prolactin

PLZ Remember Dr. Goshi in your prayers

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